Task 1.1 Improvement of the formula
Task 1.2 Study of requirements for legal endorsement of the sanitizer and application for approval
Task 1.3 Development of the initial Product Specification
Task 1.4 Pilot trials
Task 1.5 Scale-up studies
Task 2.1 Contact with prospective clients for demonstration activities
Task 2.2 Execution of demonstrators
Task 2.3 Development of the final Product Specification
Task 3.1 Implementation of sanitizer production requirements
Task 4.1 Technology Watch, review of legislation and Benchmarking
Task 4.2 Intellectual Property and knowledge protection
Task 5.1 Elaboration of an Exploitation Plan, including Business Plan
Task 5.2 Implementation of the marketing strategy
Task 5.3 Planning of phase 3 for SME Instrument
Task 6.1 Overall management of the project